Merrick House is named for Dr Margaret Merrick. We offer bed-sitting rooms with private bathrooms and other services to older people, with encouragement to live as independently as possible.
Rent is arranged to suit each resident’s means. It includes heat and other utilities, and a hot lunch daily (including Christmas). We qualify for Rent Supplement from the Dept of Social Protection.
We welcome men and women of all denominations and none, and provide unobtrusive support where necessary. We do not provide nursing care.
Founded in 1900, the company that owns and runs Merrick House is one of Ireland’s oldest. Along with the Alexandra Guild and The Iveagh Trust, it pioneered social housing in Dublin.
Now known as Merrick House DAC, we are a Registered Charity and an Approved Housing Body regulated by the Housing Agency. Our Board of Directors and Management Committee are all volunteers, receiving no pay or expenses. We have six part-time staff and gratefully accept donations.
Our mission is to provide quality, affordable, private accommodation for older people who need it, offering social support with encouragement to live independently.
Our Directors
The Directors of Merrick House DAC:
- Gemma Barrett (Chairperson)
- Torunn Dahl
- Edie MacGarry
- Keith Gillmor
- Shane Brannigan
- Paul Reck (Company Secretary)
- Patrick Shaffrey
- Emily Maher